Saturday, August 18, 2007

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Bridal Shoes (Part 2)

Last time, I talked about the first of ten tips to consider when choosing the perfect pair of bridal shoes which was to buy bridal shoes that are comfortable. Today, here a few more suggestions:

Choose Shoes That Compliment Your Figure and Legs

When looking for bridal shoes, pick shoes that compliment your figure and especially your legs. Shorter, stouter brides may not want to wear flat-footed shoes as these types of shoes make the leg look even wider.

If your dress is long and covers the foot area, then a slipper-type shoe may not make any difference, but if you are wearing a shorter-style dress, you will want your legs to look long and elegant. Choosing a shoe that lengthens your leg will give you an air of grace.

Pick Shoes That Can Be Worn After Your Wedding Day

If at all possible, look for bridal shoes that you might be able to use after the wedding ceremony. If the shoes are dyeable, you may have another special occasion to attend, and the shoes can be dyed to wear for that event as well. Depending on the type of job you have, you may even be able to wear the shoes to work.

Buy Shoes To Which You Are Accustomed

This point is extremely important. If you have never worn four-inch heels, then do not decide on your wedding day that four-inch stilettos are the perfect match for you. Not only will this be uncomfortable, but it may also be outright dangerous as you may twist an ankle or fall and break a bone.

Remember that you will be walking down the aisle and all eyes will be focused on you. You do not want to be stumbling the whole way through.

Buy Shoes Appropriate For You

Know your foot shape before choosing shoes. For example, if you have a wider foot, then a pointy-toed bridal shoe is not a perfect choice for you. You need the breadth of a wider shoe and perhaps a pump or square-toed shoe will be best suited to your shape. If you have a callous on your heel and cannot wear shoes that are closed at the back, then only look at shoes that are slingback styling.

Whatever your feet require, search only for the type of shoe that best fits your feet. Then you will not make the mistake of choosing inappropriate bridal shoes.

Next time, I will finish up with the last five tips for choosing the perfect bridal shoes.

To shop for the perfect bridal shoes online, please visit Wedding Party Shoes.

1 comment:

Andrea M. Pace, Publisher & CEO said...

Great Tips for choosing bridal party shoes.

Visit Your Feet Make You Unique- Shoe Blog for women who wear sizes 10 and up.